
How to Query Agents with Amy Shearn

$ 50 usd
+ available add-ons
Mon, Oct 7, 2024, 7:00 – 9:30 PM EDT
Virtual: Over Zoom

You've written your book (or proposal). You've revised your book (or proposal). You've revised it again. You've revised it AGAIN. Now you're ready to take the next step towards getting it off your hard drive and into published form. Or maybe you haven't written the whole thing yet, but you are curious about what those next steps towards publication will be.

In this one-session course, we'll talk about how you know when you're ready to query agents, and what that even means. We'll go over the most common do's, don'ts, and agent-querying snafus, and look at best practices for making you look professional, and making your book sound like agent catnip.

Come with your questions and query drafts. This is open to writers with and without finished book drafts!


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Virtual: Over Zoom


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